Before I spent the afternoon slaving away on art coursework, I changed into some bright colours and strayed into my garden where i listened to Carla Bruni, teased my shadow and played with a daisy.
Art has me so worried right now. Stress, stress and an extra helping of stress. My friend even found a grey strand in her hair the other day, see?
Yesterday I went to a catch up art workshop at school. Halfway through my friend asked me if the 'skirt' I was wearing was the one i had ordered and told her about. It was infact this one. I said no, actually it's a top. Suddenly everyone was turning round, laughing and asking me if i was okay in the head, oh, and also, where were the sleeves? Then a friend from the reunion said, 'so the other day you wore a kid's dress and now you're wearing a top as a skirt?'. Luckily they didn't hear that.

Later a friend called me and as i was telling her about the funny situation, she said 'Oh, I already heard.'

Later a friend called me and as i was telling her about the funny situation, she said 'Oh, I already heard.'

Green pussybow top: Topshop, green bandeau top: Bershka, yellow skirt (actually top, yes again!): H&M, belt: secondhand (was step-mum's)
Lately I have been wearing my broken vintage watch and Pilgrim key charm on a necklace every day. Almost all of the numbers on the watch are missing and it's no longer ticking but i love it anyway.
First off all we are glad to hear that you like our products. We checked out your blog and we fell in love with it!
Yes, it’s possible to get it with a red bow.
The shipping costs are 20 Swedish kronor, which is about 2 Euro.
To get the product you have to put the amount of money in our account. When we see that you’ve paid, we send the Shirt in a couple of days.
If you're interested please contact us through our mail:
/ love CC
These people sound mean...?
Well if it's any consolation, I think you look great! And of course, your photos are divine...
I thought Carla changed her surname name to Sarkozy? I'm so behind on my French politics, lol.
Wow great outfit and great pictures. Looks beautiful. When people to the unexpected with their clothes, that's considered true fashion, in my books.
I love the idea of wearing bandeau tops as skirts, but I never buy any bandeau tops to wear them as tops which ruins their multi-purpose quality.
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