It's absolutely blissful-I have the whole evening, and weekend stretched ahead of me, plan free. I had to cancel plans because I'm literally
swamped with art coursework. So this evening I plan to find some new fashion blogs, check my favourites, look through eBay for vintage clothing, watch
The House of Elliot if i have time, post my buys from Holland and finally post previews of my items to be sold on eBay!
Before we begin, here are some just released shots from Gwen's spread in the latest V magazine. For some reason, she reminds me of Vivienne Weswtood here. Maybe it's just the red hair. She's one yummy mummy. Thoughts?
alternate cover

yes. gwen is so cool. this coloure looks great on her.
Your fashion style inspires me a lot. And I love that ginger look Gwen. I even hire custom paper to write something about fashion and I am as well planning to create my own fashion blog. Thanks.
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