I've changed web addresses, the name of my blog, the layout, the font, the colours, more times than I can count. But lately I've been thinking I don't just want to change all these again, I want a completely new blog. A blank canvas, a wiped slate, clean for new ideas. I'm starting college in september so it seems an even better time to start afresh. In the near future I should also be posting outfit photos regularly (i hope). Until then, photography will continue.
Blank Canvas: www.blankcanvases.blogspot.com
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
There must be an S somewhere in fickle
Friday, July 25, 2008
STW Launch
Just to let you know of a new blog I've just launched:
Shop The World.
I won't say too much, just go and find out what it's all about!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Apple of my eye
I really miss taking photographs with my camera. So while my digital cam rests in peace, here are a few old shots that didn't quite make the posts.

Look closely at the white t-shirt, it's a vintage photo print of a car parked by the edge of a lake at sunset. Old swimsuits and families. And I know that the huge size difference between men's and women's t-shirts will mean the bra print would be hanging somewhere down my belly button. Saggy boobies.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Perk Me Up
I've been so busy ravishing the summer sales I haven't posted.
I just wanted to recommend a shop. Dorothy Perkins. It's owned by the Arcadia Group, who also run the Topshop empire. Kind of like Topshop's frumpy big sister in comparison. Lately though I've been frothing at the mouth just looking at some of the new stuff they've got in.
I just bought a fuschia ruffled top from there, very similar from another I had tried on in DP before but this one was on sale. I have to admit the fact I'm wearing fuschia is quite revolutionary in my wardrobe. I've never been much of a pink girl the past few years. I think I fall more into the red adoring category.
DP is (not-on-purposefully) split into several categories. The Plain Jane category: simple items that are slightly mumsy, The American Apparel Amateur category: vest tops, boob tubes t-shirts, etc etc etc in all sorts of colours of the earth, and The Topshop-will-be-shitting-itself-over-this category: my favourite. This section of Dorothy Perkins is in its element right now, bringing out bright colours, ruffles, and zips. A recipe for shopping seduction. These are some of my favourites:
pink zip front top £28 (also in black) see here for another-cheaper- pink ruffle top.
purple satin ruffle top £28
grey zip skater skirt £25
coral one shoulder top. was £22 now £12
See you soon. Ciao Ciao x
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I first suspected a return when I saw Daisy Lowe wearing one at the 02 festival and then Pixie Geldof joined in. Bloggers Selina and Almah have also posted outfit shots including cropped tops. So I'm interested in what you think- will tummy bearing tops be returning to your wardrobes, and to the fashion scene?
I'm sensing this is another roundabout-trend, although Almah and Selina both work the crop top, I think it'll be hard for magazine stylists (and possibly even designers) to create a stylish look including them without the image of Katie Price or tacky WAGs coming to mind.
Talking about trend roundabouts, the other night I was having a discussion with my friend about past fashion trends that had a starring role in our wardrobes or that we had witnessed. I had forgotten how many there've been! These are just a few...the mind boggles.
A yes/no under each one I 'participated' in.
Yeeeess. I think i had a black one? Or was that just one I lusted after and was etched into my memory.
Boho skirt
Ugg boots
Yes. I admit to buying a grey pair from Primark. Then everyone got hold of some, and they just looked tacky. Now they're just slippers and running-into-the-garden-to-get-something-random shoes.
Red and black striped tights
I could lie. It's a yes. Fashion is all about fun, though isn't it? yeah, it really is.
The grungey side of flared jeans.
So-be honest, did you wear any of these? Can you think of any more?
The same friend I mentioned before ( I should probably give you her name-Hannah), says that her mum and her friends follow the rule 'never wear the same trend twice.' So, when they were younger wearing leggings with everything, they didn't wear them when they came back with a huge vengeance.
I wonder if we will take note of that fashion rule. I think it's better when fashion doesn't have rules. Puts the fun 'F' into fashion. I wonder if bloggers will still be working oxford brogues,floral prom dresses, american apparel blend vests and leather jackets in our 80s.
Then we predicted which current fashions will get 'oh my god how could i have worn that' reaction.
I have never worn, and will never wear these.
Crocs:They even had these uglies in Ibiza. The lovechild of an eighties romance gone wrong.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
I'll never be bad again.
Things have been a little busy with family problems, and post deficiency to lack of a good working camera (so pictures are now taken with my mobile), but I'll try working round it and keep posting.
I finally got round to 'thrifting'. It feels a bit fake calling it that- too American to sound like I would say it. But there is no other verb for shopping in charity shops.
Round where I live, the only kind of people who do 'thrifting' are old ladies and my oma. She finds great jewellery. Well, I can now be added to that list. I'm looking forward to my friends' facial expressions when i tell them this slinky, soft cardigan was found in a Barnardo's charity shop for the cost of Glamour magazine. It's got a nice grey-ish, slightly pink/purple tone too. I know leopard print is 'over', or is it not? I don't know, but I'm not really bothered by that, or the fact that it's slightly trashy.
Last weekend I visited my auntie and cousin, 6 hours in the car does not make me a happy person. Caged animal. I completely understand why my hamsters passed used to chew the bars of their cages so frantically. Anyway.
After peering nosily into a charity shop, I spotted a beautiful oversized navy blazer, complete with double breasted detail and gold anchor buttons. Sadly the combination of oversized and being a blazer swamps me, so my search for a shrunken fit version will continue. I'll probably put it on ebay, so here are some not so good pictures. Please ignore the ghostly-white blare of the photos! The sleeves are rolled up by the way, they are actually normal length and have three gold buttons on each one.
P.S The top photo was taken by my twelve year old sister. She was wearing a vintage scarf I had worn today and was 'messing around'. I think it's beautiful.